
Hej mina vänner!

After the hot summer when most able to digest I have possibly returned now. It begins to itch if not in the sprättiga fingers, so in the tanks.

Today I was interviewed for Bokmässepodden which was really fun. Kerstin Önnebo which for years has pushed Skrivarpodden came to visit and asked questions that made me remember that I wrote a book called the tenth floor.

After all, is fun to realize that the universe of unanswered questions novel text is. Just as life itself. Hela tiden, tycker jag, one is faced with situations where a conscious decision demanding a. Definitely, it is just that this is the case when writing anyway. Perhaps, I arrived at this moment, to train the awareness that the author, so that you realize that in real life will also make active conscious choices. Now I am not talking about active choices regarding electricity supplier but in the constantly ongoing flow of existential dilemmas, the small and the large variety.

Some, quite a lot, I have realized, has not taken such a firm is even filled fifty! That everything you do has consequences. Of course it is hard to think about that one option has consequences for others, but that is what is to take responsibility for their relationships. Too many have missed that bit in total. No wonder that relationships that could have been easier, flexible, even indeed loving and joyful become embittered, infected, charged with stench. Unnecessarily. It costs more than a little thought.

So little of that piece, I have been through this summer – relationshiplessness with all that entails- and astonished but it has not been the overriding theme of this month loveliness, långt ifrån, it has been a trifle albeit astounding.

Nej, I have allowed myself to rest. One day I realized that this was the first year in eight years that my mind must chore, more or less occupied, the destroyer whose fake name is Sam. He has received his sentence. It's done. So why should I spend his days writing about shit when? I had promised myself to work all summer on the book about what happened to me. Men nä, I did not! I have just read my mail, then little more than a month back. God, what a pleasure it has been! It should all treat themselves.

At the moment I am most busy of making applesauce, malic liqueur, apple rings. Sometimes I wonder if I have left my WHAT DRIVES? What if I have been too lax?

In part, the rest is possible thanks to this my utterly insignificant blog was hacked! Who the hell wants to hack my blog? What can there be for the interest of the? One can not trace who it was, but it was a little strange and almost pathetic that a single post seemed to have attracted the intruder's special interest. It was my post on New Year's Eve that I celebrated with my former love. In any case, it was not the man himself who tried to erase it, it is one that is safe. Maybe it was a strange coincidence that the post was marked so that it could be deleted, but it is tempting to believe that there was someone with a little poison in the bucket that did its best to poke around and try to erase a bit of reality. It never ceases to amaze. I myself have never been exposed to so many fools who recently. I knew there were assorted fools in the living world, but it seems like when BIG , the destroyer made an entrance in my life, opened the door for a number of other småtokar also. Screaming stormed in with varying degrees of hysteria. Suck!

Yes life is good hilariously sometimes, it would make silent films of the!

So now this is my first post since the site's recovery from bitter attack complete written. It was just like this. It is in any case a small heating!

Hope you had a good summer. I've had one of my best in a long time. It may not sound like it, but that the hacked website, I could not skip!

Now I wish you all ( nej, just the kind-hearted ) a pleasant Sunday evening and a good night's sleep on Monday that some of you will be working on, others not!

I know one that will start a whole new phase in his life. A little girl starts school at tomorrow. Do school people the massive impact they have on children? It can speak much about.

Have a nice day.



Om Christina Herrström

Författare och dramatiker Ebba & Didrik Glappet Tusen gånger starkare Tionde våningen Leontines längtan Den hungriga prinsessan Denzel Öderläggaren Mirrimo Sirrimo En underbar utsikt Mitt namn är Erling Midsommarkvartetten Marsvinsnätter Gäst i Djupa Salar Suxxess Skimrande vingar
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3 answers to Back

  1. Marie Johansson skriver:

    Underbart att du finner ro.
    Vi är många som haft ödeläggare i våra liv i varierande grad.
    De som manipulerar en och tar min plats, energi och sanning.

    Det värsta är att man har kvar bitterheten många år efter.
    Den kan ligga latent och blossa upp 10 år efter.. när man känner en sådan ilska mot alla män och ser dessa gärningsmän omkring sig, på socisla medier mm.
    Som nu när jag läser din bok är jag så arg att jag vill slå honom och hans gelikar och de som drabbade mig. Det är så krävande att alltid ha denna ilska, som väcks så gott som dagligen.
    Även jag har en underbar lägenhet och vill känna frid igen, det känns som de stal ens frid.

  2. Man måste kanske arbeta med detta. Man måste förstå att detta är en del av all den erfarenhet människor kan få, en del av människovarandet, detta kan vem som helst råka ut för. Det är inte heller bara män som har psykopatiska drag, även kvinnor kommer i denna form och också män faller offer. Men jag tror också att det ligger latent i en, det är en djup kränkning av en på ett sätt som man inte kan förklara, det är verkligen som om de har tagit något ifrån endjupt inuti en, något man inte ens kan finna ord för men som är en del av ens byggstenar och livskraft.
    man får försöka hitta ljus på alla sätt man kan och komma ihåg hela tiden att det inte är en själv det är fel på. Folk blir påkörda av bilar och råkar ut för olyckordet är inte deras fel. Detta är inte heller vårt fel. Vi har agerat på det sätt man ska göra som emdmänniska, och tillit och förtroende är det viktigaste som finns i mänsklighetenutan det skulle ingenting kunna skapas eller buggas eller bevarasdet är goda egenskaper dessa människor har missbrukat. Man måste komma ihåg det, så man inte gör sig själv mer illa. Varmaste tankar / Christina

  3. Bodil skriver:

    Nu har jag köpt ” Ödeläggaren” och fått den i min hand och börjat läsa. Redan nu märker jag att det blir en intressant läsning, och samtidigt svår

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