Gott Nytt År och Tack

Kort och gott vill jag bara önska alla mina läsare – rättare sagt de som är godhjärtade, inte de andra! – ett bra 2015. Själv tror jag att det kan bli ett fågel Fenixliknande år. Or at least that the egg itself was laid in the fire from which the Phoenix bird is to rise! It is always possible.

I wish all kind-hearted people stimulating and inspiring thoughts during the coming year, inspiration and courage, desire and creativity – and joy and health. Inspiration and direction and determination are necessary for something to happen! And health of course. Good sleep.

Personally, I am so inspired today that I have mixed together a dough that I will make flaxseed biscuits from, something I have never done before. And then I will make PASSION FRUIT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES which I think is an excellent summary for all sorts of wonderful things in life and a fair thing to end the difficult 2014 med. HA! Check this out! PASSION FRUIT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE on you!
My coming year, I can say in advance, will offer me hitherto unusual studies in human behavior and also in social structures. I'm all done now – that man under something so when tolerable conditions – something that is of course redefined as different losses affect us – but which most of us live in after all, always has the ability to find new ways to power, action and inspiration. In plain language, of course, that means myself, just jag, I think I can do it and it lightens my mind and that's exactly why I say it. But I think most others can also find ways to heal us from the challenges of life. After all, that is exactly what life is. But I do not think you can do most things yourself. And even though it has previously been against my principles to publicly share my litany, so I realize, with the help of these tools which include blog and FB that it is important not to always try to be strong on your own. That there is an ancient meaning in sharing with others, around the campfire. That people close up for each other, learn from each other, gains strength even in the shared pain. And see life.

I also realize that I probably do – which is also against my principles – would have perished if I had not dared to burst and share my horror. No one is strong alone. The silence carves power out of us, silence petrifies us even if we seem to be able to cope, silence cannot make room for that which awakens warmth in life again, and confidence. I want to thank you for the heartfelt warmth I have experienced since I began to express that something has affected me, confused me and been ruthless towards me. Love is greatest. In any case, for people who live in somewhat tolerable conditions.

I do NOT think that single children fleeing Syria have the same opportunity to heal. I sat for a long time watching the poor girl on DN's front page 30 december. A lonely little girl of a few years who has crossed the border, a completely lonely girl in the world. This is what the world looks like. What will become of her? Who will abuse and exploit her? They are ready.
There are many hard heartless horrible horrible people – people driven by something so alien destructive to many of us, but which also progresses through time and slips over to the new year. We must not turn a blind eye to them and what they do to others.

Let us sincerely and sincerely hope that the consciousness of mankind is refined, that hearts and souls and intellect open up to the power of love of life and respect. That our collective will to live, kreativitet, spirituality, sense, intelligence and drive take a SHOT – a POWER JUMP – forward to greater awareness. But everything is a matter of subjective interpretation so all these beautiful words can also someone of completely opposite opinion than I use and mean something I do not mean at all. So words are difficult. Especially when you want to say something beautiful and deeply meant about time and the future.

Happy New Year simply – all kind-hearted (Wondering if the unkind are recognizing themselves as unkind? Förmodligen inte, which makes everyone think they are kind-hearted and serve a good purpose and thus are ” to all kind-hearted” a meaningless phrase in fact ) and again: Thank you for the messages and response from you, it is always just as fun to get and it is much appreciated you should know! Happy New Year! See ya! Nu: PASSION FRUIT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE! C

Om Christina Herrström

Författare, dramatiker och Officiant Ebba & Didrik Glappet Tusen gånger starkare Tionde våningen Leontines längtan Den hungriga prinsessan Denzel Öderläggaren Mirrimo Sirrimo En underbar utsikt Mitt namn är Erling Midsommarkvartetten Marsvinsnätter Gäst i Djupa Salar Suxxess Skimrande vingar
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