I do not write for a while,,sv,Look into the eyes,,sv,dance,,ca,talk,,sv,meet,,sv,Oh dear life,,sv,I hold your hand now,,sv,Oh dear Life,,sv,How I wish that my picture taken the,,sv,April Alexander Mahmoud,,no,out in vårkylan on Sergelstorg,,sv,my city,,sv,my city,,no,my home,,sv,where I am sincerely happy-lived and should be like a sign that everything now will soon be well again,,sv,The photo is taken after all for a reason,,sv,because I have the blessing and the curse of writing,,sv,I could have spent my time,,sv,min energy,,id,my capacity to something more sensible,,sv,something that did not do that I was in the hands of others in my life,,sv,I am in the hands of publishers,,sv,they want me or not,,sv

Hej alla mina läsare!

Jag tror inte att jag kommer att skriva på ett tag, eftersom jag inte har något att skriva om och samtidigt för mycket att skriva om. But what I want to write about, I'm too overheated in my head to formulate at the moment. Overheating is due to fatigue and challenges. The process of crawling back to a functioning life consumes the forces even if progress inspires, and this is known to all who have fallen properly in life a few times. I am overwhelmed and get tired even of what is positive because I am not yet on solid ground at all, for example, I do not have money for food, only for rent.

Sure, I have a lot of blog topics that it itches in the fingers to write about, but I need to wait until I have the strength, you understand.

For those of you who want to know something about how it goes with professional writing, I can announce that a lot is happening and many have applied for me to start different projects, which is my salvation.. But what happens next is that my novel DENZEL will be published in September by Atlas publishing house, exact date I do not know yet. I am sincerely pleased to finally publish something – the first thing I get in ten years, since the August-nominated youth book A Thousand Times Stronger ( Bonnier Carlsen). That ten years have passed is horrible. It makes me feel bad, but what can you do? Ingenting! That's how it is.

And meanwhile now I am writing a new youth book for Bonnier Carlsen and preparing to write the book that will be about the crime I have been exposed to and which has taken many years of my life and whose effects I have to deal with just every single day. To my aid I have 23 diaries that I wrote while it was going on, and it is not until the end of numbers 23 as I understand that I am a prisoner, sacrificed and manipulated – and lost. If I had not had these books, I would never have been able to understand what was really happening to me. At the same time as I gather my material for the book, I am waiting for prosecution to be brought. Det är 26 months ago my ex-husband took me to the police to report, and not even on the way there did I really understand what had happened. I'm still in the process of processing it and mourn every day that I lost my home. If I still had my home!

That every week hopes that the next step will be taken in the process is also damn corrosive, even though I try not to wait. But I think I've been waiting a little too long now.

In addition to these two books, I have some other balls in the air now, which is wonderful because it is writing that is my thing in life and the only thing that can take me forward and save me.. Since there is so much to deal with and work with in my head, I simply can not write much here, not as alert and vital as I would like. And then it's better not to.

But sometimes something will surely come anyway! My readers should know that you mean a lot to me and I have felt warmth and support along the way in this hell, and this massive support has given me the strength to move on and not least the power to start writing again. The desire for it came through this blog and through your response.


For my life, invaluable! Så är det.









Om Christina Herrström

Författare, dramatiker och Officiant Ebba & Didrik Glappet Tusen gånger starkare Tionde våningen Leontines längtan Den hungriga prinsessan Denzel Öderläggaren Mirrimo Sirrimo En underbar utsikt Mitt namn är Erling Midsommarkvartetten Marsvinsnätter Gäst i Djupa Salar Suxxess Skimrande vingar
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1 answers to I do not write for a while,,sv,Look into the eyes,,sv,dance,,ca,talk,,sv,meet,,sv,Oh dear life,,sv,I hold your hand now,,sv,Oh dear Life,,sv,How I wish that my picture taken the,,sv,April Alexander Mahmoud,,no,out in vårkylan on Sergelstorg,,sv,my city,,sv,my city,,no,my home,,sv,where I am sincerely happy-lived and should be like a sign that everything now will soon be well again,,sv,The photo is taken after all for a reason,,sv,because I have the blessing and the curse of writing,,sv,I could have spent my time,,sv,min energy,,id,my capacity to something more sensible,,sv,something that did not do that I was in the hands of others in my life,,sv,I am in the hands of publishers,,sv,they want me or not,,sv

  1. Jenny Jejlid skriver:

    Din blogg betyder mycket för mig men viktigast är att du gör det som får dig att må bra! Vad spännande med ny bok och nya projekt! Jag kommer att köpa och läsa, härligt att ha läsning att se fram emot.

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