
It's getting close to midnight. The candles are lit on the table. The teapot is almost empty, and the red currant pie with melted marshmallows, which resemble killer slugs, is eaten. Fortunately, there were no killer slugs and no one could be fooled either. The pantries must be emptied, everything is eaten, even the children's forgotten marshmallows. On each side of me the dogs sleep, the one with all the legs in the air, the other sprawled pleasurably on cushions with his nose pierced between his paws.

The darkness came suddenly. It didn't seem to come at all this year. We waited earlier in August but the sky was bright, yes actually yellow above the sea, late at night. But suddenly without us noticing, the days had passed and the windows had to be closed in the evening.

The most wonderful summer in a long time- not in the world, but for some of the people, including me – is almost over for this year. The garden is secretly preparing to start approaching winter rest.

I have sat under the cloudberry tree and scratched dry leaves from sawn branches. I enjoy that. It was a big pile.

Tomorrow I will run over them and some twigs with my superb lawnmower. It was way too expensive but I'm good at tricking the pennies . not so good at trolling with the knees. Then I've arranged a nourishing blanket for those who are growing, and which will soon rest and gather strength for next spring. Tänk. Rest and gather strength for next year! Until next time there will be light and warmth and summer. How beautiful it is with seasons, with the rhythm of nature, with the circuit, so whimsical.

I participate a little in it, when I bring back what has grown in the garden and which I have tended and cut down . I'm trying to do like mother nature and make winter blankets. I like that.

I'm not even going to throw away the skinny twigs, but I will use that to warm myself. They should burn nicely, perfect to light with.

You have to have warmth when the darkness and cold come.

And glow. That's how it is under the stars.

Om Christina Herrström

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