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I am a writer and playwright. I write all kinds of scenes, film, TV and radio. I think the story's power. I think people are hungry for substance, to stories and art that can change something in themselves. To be human is to continuously grow. And I believe in people!
On my blog I will write about things that excites and delights me, I will share with you bits of my life and I will welcome your feedback. Soon, the next book! It's definitely not for children.But I recommend curious teenagers to read it on the sly. And all men. And all women.
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Etikettarkiv: WORKSHOP
Varför vill jag ha en workshop? Det finns redan för många skrivkurser! Men vad jag kan se handlar väldigt många om HUR det ska skrivas. Man ska fixa modellerna, mallarna, de dramaturgiska kurvorna rätt. HU!!!! Man kan vara en fena … Continue reading