DATING: to become the habitual marriage or the finer variant; His diary before the first date!

Yes, with the title, I have told you everything. But after my first little post about TINDERBLICKEN I have received many reactions from other women and just above experience is apparently common. But how is it?

It has therefore started to write a little to each other that there is a mutual curiosity and hope. So pretty soon, Thus, sometimes too copious quickly arise a situation where you have to realize that it has become invisible in a different way so that it becomes invisible to Tinderblicken.

The man in question begins to use communication as a place to vent any thought whatsoever as father through the head. Damen twinkling hopeful gaze can not but go out when reading the detailed descriptions of the floor drain has just been broken and that he should contact a plumber, or detailed updates on how his digestive health looks at the moment, or more expanded form his elderly mother's health condition and the results of completed tests. Even hopeful glance may look through the messages about what the man has been starved for dinner, What lunch consisted of the addition to the exciting task of what he plans to eat the next day! The woman's brain is interested may also be in need of stimulated and enriched, or what? information about where he has polyps and what kind of intimate examinations this cause and how it feels to get rid of air that filled the areas where polyps are – at a too early stage of acquaintance and then it can not be helped that one is a little sobriety.

One wonders, it is these things approaching each other? Is it a hope that a woman should fall for him? Must be the woman immediately gulpa in everything? It is somewhat puzzling that the man talking to you as if you were his old wife, and all are believed to be interesting for a. Och ” en” then is thus a somehow attractive woman he has seen on the picture, and that proved curious about him for some reason. ”In” I'm not the words, but I refer to the experience of others here, but mix goodies, the phenomenon is also my own experience.

Det är konstigt. When delight and curiosity to have received another message or email is received, these bumps rub you thoughtful chin and raises her eyebrows one, Rather than gasping for breath with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. How could the man to take such a giant leap into something casual and everyday intimate as floor drains and polyps? Already? Is it so easy for them to imagine that they are interested, that everything is already fixed, it just hung there already in the arm and nods in agreement? Or is it not egentligen a man find? Would he himself be discovered, fast ”Discovery” is to take in, but rather the de facto surrender of their entire mundane glory. Detta, my dear, I am, take it or leave it. Chosefritt it anyway!

In his own mind utters it a ” Whence this?”

This kind of thing can happen: one imagines that the dialogue. Is it not true that we women are used to men talk a lot about themselves so it may take a while before we realize it's just that this is the case, and in the beginning you are polite while you have the hope of a call and set ” the right questions” ( which starts even more volubility) and makes you happy, ” oh splash, how nice, he says that I ask the right questions” but after a while you notice that the man himself says does not raise the right questions from his side, and most pass without comment. Then it's time to at last grasp that it is not a question of a dialogue, but only dealing with the illusion of conversation that occurs to you will not be interrupted when writing.

But yes then, in the middle of the feeling of entering into dialogue ( Thus, before you realize that is not the case) and yet curiously fond of throwing over a tinkling Evening Mail, realizes that another step has been taken AHEAD, for mail starts with: ” I must write to me ”


It is thus a living diary. Or a vessel UTI which he can redeem their anxiety. This is to be the receiving vessel's classic (and a horrible misconception). Åh nej! It has therefore become someone he writes of himself in, often in anger, even anger at his former wife or any other frustrating.

This is a balancing act. All one can step over, it is not at all difficult to suddenly have written a lot of things that you probably had not said out loud if you sat opposite each other. And it's fine to talk about themselves a little, and dare to tell you things that are not so damned successful, showing that we are people with both sad and happy in the US, wounds and dreams. But it is not quite the same thing as ” write off ”. I and the other women, who have contacted me, wonder why they do so where, männen?

Why is it immediately obvious to them that they think you should be interested in the drains must be cleaned or for their private problems too? Even before the first hit! It has not even spoken on the phone…

Is it a variation on the theme: the woman is for the man of the art?

Alltså, this is just, alldeles the beginning. When approaching. Or perhaps approaching. Ibland, I get in fairness add, it has taken until after a coffee break before the man taking the above steps, But it is still far, very beginning. Do not give this a little untidy? That you believe to be so extremely desirable to be able egoslarva little with another man, which is ” the woman I want to meet for a serious relationship ”…

It makes you wonder if men and women-often – looking for different things in the idea of ​​love?

Om Christina Herrström

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