Dating; honest, also great meetings…

Ja, it's easy to joke about this with dating. It is partly a way to keep a distance from it all, what is behind and hurts. And it's really surprising how some behaviors that you thought were suddenly passé takes place in the context. When you become disappointed and a little sad. Women see certain patterns that come back from the men's side, and we are usually pretty tired, like men boasting about their finances, to get the role of lyssnerska and therapist or immediately being viewed as willing sex partner.

But there are other sides to this with dating. Now I have only been on a small number of dates ( blogs are a little concoction of my own and others' experiences, as I have said, ) and there is something more to this, which I think is fine.

I think it's pretty amazing to people who otherwise had met, by this phenomenon, get an opportunity to meet. And there is something beautiful in all of these people's yearning. There are so many! Women and men of all ages. They yearn to be associated with any, sharing time and thoughts and experiences, they long to get to express their love and to accept someone else's love, they long to build shimmering place in life with someone. There is a courage to advertise this yearning, as before has been so deeply shameful. It's still embarrassing to say that being ” alone ” but there is nothing that should be denied.

Many of these people have loved the. De – vi – have loved, and we have lost for various reasons. Life offers great variety in how love is lost and there is no protected. And it shapes us and sometimes people give up the dream of the classic love, but often they set out to find someone and courage that in a way to reveal his regret in this world of facades is something to respect.

Inte bara det.

I think it's been fun meeting with them I have met. You get splinters from someone else's life. In perhaps only a single meeting touches to each other's existence and talking perhaps about, faktiskt, what it means to be human and to seek their way in this life and to get new insights, other perspectives and some other colors and from a stranger / kvinna. It's pretty amazing and something to show humility before. Again, it is easy to joke, but the gist of it all is all the same to me that the meetings have been enriching. On a human level.

The beauty of this, I feel is that you get an opportunity to discover what we most want to find: most men ( and women ) are good people, all with their different wounds and flaws course, but also with its fine, its fun, its dreamy, their perspectives other than right in the middle and its own direction. I have felt respect for the people I have met and said goodbye to, and think that these meetings yet most leaves behind a small candle, a small wonder and a kind of tenderness, not for these people might as individuals, but on their way – our way – here on earth.

So even though it's quite funny to joke about these things unfortunately, , it is foolish in the long run perpetuate the image of men, for there are many, many good and fine men out there.

Om Christina Herrström

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