Royal Philharmonic Orchestra plays for children

This weekend, I took my daughter and six-year-daughter, wearing apparel tiger ( I do not therefore, but my granddaughter ) to family concert trills and DRAKÖRON at the Concert Hall, the wonderful blue. We've been there before, Girl and I, at the box office to pick up a brochure about the spring children's concerts.

”Shall we go in?” she asked as she leapt up the stairs. ”Shall we go into the concert hall?” and glanced at Carl Milles ”Orpheus Group” ( Orpheus , hero poem muse, who handled the lyre so sweet, if not divine that rivers stopped to listen, and the mountains got closer, Orpheus lost his beloved Eurydice to Hades, but with his bow managed to enter the kingdom of Hades and touched Hades and Persephone with his music and his grief so that he actually would get her back, and so on. Sculpture Fountain stands out as most people know, in front of the Concert Hall in Stockholm and is pretty bare and Orpheus represents music in Greek mythology) and choked a sensational titter:

”A lot of butts!” Bara det! 🙂

The house was full of people, adults and children, and we found our seats in the stalls, immediately placed the magnificent orchestra, not just any orchestra but the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. What beautiful instruments! All the different shapes, materials, shimmer and think that these things with accompanying person can make music! The Fund, the giant organ ” Va? Is it an instrument?” there was a movie screen where Ayla from Bollibompa sat and relaxed at a kitchen table. Men! She'd been there, now and then and the conductor had to call her. She answered and was in a great hurry – we sat're all waiting, all the kids and the whole orchestra with their instruments! So she got up to speed and we saw her run through town accompanied by George Bizet's Les Toréadors from Carmen, and on the way she managed to slam a couple of rolls, before she went over the Haymarket where we only just been, past Orpheus and up the stairs and all the way to us in the heat of the Grunewald Hall. It was really well thought out and implemented and captured everyone in the hall. And so it went, with children's curiosity Alert, the next hour, which is amazing enough. The show managed to maintain a perfect balance, it was inviting and generous but never silly as it can easily be when adults want to reach children. The string family was presented, clarinet, bassoon, oboe, flute, tuba and timpani and drums and harp and piano. At one point, our little girl so curious that she had to stand up on my lap to try to spot all the instruments at the back.

It is powerful, intoxicating and spiritually refreshing to see an orchestra play live. It's a gift, hard to describe and explain, be affected by the music composed by other people. Vad är det som händer? The music touches us, and it concerns us to see the musicians handle their instruments, it is something in us when we experience the sounds and sounds in the room but how, vad, the magic? What gift. Och barnen! The children with their open little faces, with gleaming eyes, open minds. Children who receive. Who will carry it with them! Det är så vackert! And we, we adults, also we are of course concerned, not only of the children, but just like them, av musiken. There is something indescribable about it. Konsten, art unfold us to roses, and hide us while in a secret that constantly generates new power.

Remember that we live in a time, in one part of the world, in a country where the concert halls with their high professionalism, with his love of music and art, with their toil and their budget, doing performances directly targeted at children. Keep in mind that these excellent musicians sit there and play for us, and for the children! The same orchestra that plays at the Nobel Festival plays for our children and with the same professionalism and feeling. Tänk – this wonderful thing is done for the kids! And for the money less than a cinema ticket. And the house was full, the last place. And the kids were with, they were really having! Sometimes Isa got a little tired but then she just lay on us and stretched out in her tiger costume. And then we ate cream cakes, grandmother, I, Mom is my daughter, and our mica girl and when she came home, she told her father about all the different instruments for his father.

Ticket children: 60 SEK adults 150 kronor

And the music we were treated to was:

the application to the concert for children! Bizet, Mozart, Beethoven, Debussy, Alfvén, Sibelius, Elgar, Tchaikovsky, Saint- Saens, Wagner and Musorgskij



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