Women also beat

This image will illustrate the text, though I got this black eye when I threw myself on the sofa with the intention to be in my beloved's arms but the moment he got up and happened to elbow me. Furthermore, should there was a picture of a man with a black eye, but now it became like this.

If I say that does not mean I Reduce Violence. Or men's violence against women. Not at all. But the truth is that women turn.

However, it is something that is reduced. To be a great man and pucklas on a small woman touches something comical. You could almost laugh. One can laugh at her PMS or jealousy or whatever it is. You can make fun of the way she stands there and bolts with their little fists against the hard male chest.

If you even talk about it. All violence in the private glossed over rather, as we all know,.

Vi vet det. So if a man bolts on a woman he ” know ” things, is drunk or because he is jealous do we not laugh, or waving it off as less important, or private. There is progress. If a woman every time she comes home first have to know the man's moods before she knows what she can talk about, and if she can even relax, do we not laugh anymore. We warn. ”So you can not have it”. If a woman is punished because of unfounded jealousy, we say ”That's a dangerous control behavior, akta you!” If a woman is exposed at home on Friday cosiness to the man threatened her when he had drunk a few glasses she is in trouble. Det vet vi. We speak with her. We watch extra. We worry.

I know several men who have or have had relationships with men who beat. great, good, wise, please men. The women's feet, fight with fists, with weapons, threatened with knives and scissors. They control the relationship or the family with his temper. The threat is in the air if things are not to her liking. Is anyone really surprised? It is clear that this is also a part of reality.

But do not become a victim also afraid, is not his soul also slow down? Not forced, he put enormous amounts of vitality to fend off outbreaks and to protect its image of itself, the ratio, of the woman, of love, of the dream? Do not dig this big hole in his heart? Is he not as vulnerable, less susceptible? He shakes it off just? New efforts! no ornamented? Är det så?

How lonely is a man with a woman who beats him, when we know how lonely women with a man who beats?

Some women beat men. Some women turn child. They beat sibling. They beat mothers. their fathers, probably also. It's hard to get it together. A woman who beat her mother. A woman who beat her sister. It is easier to imagine a woman who beats her child. Probably it is easier to imagine that a child is less. But a woman who beats her husband?

The strikes can sometimes be helped by therapy. Not always. Not always. And the path is not obvious and simple. Maybe we have begun to understand it too.

Men en sak är säker; the person being beaten can not heal the strikes. good moments, presenter, undergivenhet, love, adherence, passionate försoningssex, constant love insurance can not heal the strikes from hitting again. Limits are exceeded. Not just physical.

Therapy can help people beat. In the best case. Love changed to avoid being beaten is a destructive way to go. Whoever is beaten will not stay.

A man might joke about his woman beat him. How she stands there and bash him and he unflinching look down at her, where she was rosy and sniffling bouncing around and beat with his little fists on his chest.

It's not funny.

It is a lot, very serious. A woman may not be able to kill her husband, but her violence destroys – as much as a man's violence – the inner slain. All men who are beaten by their woman, ashamed no more. Take it seriously. Remember, you are little boys at heart of human hearts, not some hardline superheroes of hard plastic, you are actually people, just like the women who happened to be in relationships where the husband beats.

Om Christina Herrström

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3 answers to Women also beat

  1. Nick skriver:

    Hej Christina Herrström.
    This is something I have thought a lot of.

    I'm training to be a school teacher. Right now we're on to study literature. which is extremely unbalanced: there are lots of fiction books for young people with structural feminist lens and guilt of the male species (compare ”A Thousand Times Stronger”), but there are no books that can give young girls an insight on how many benefits they actually (for example, she can beat her boyfriend how much she wants, because he had to learn to ”you should never hit a girl”…).

    However, I wonder if you think about what you write – that men ”are little boys at heart”: you would write the same about girls who are beaten by their boyfriends?

  2. Hi!

    Ja, of course, I could say the same about girls. I do not understand why I could not write it? But I think that in general deny men and boys vulnerability. The entire education to be, guy is to be tougher, less sensitive to endure more without showing ”svaghet”. Therefore, it may be easier to ambient accept that a man is beaten, easier to dismiss it and just laugh about it – perhaps with the man – because they do not consider it as integritetsöverkridande but might rather think of ” a woman can not hit so hard ”.

    Ja, I know there is a startling lack of literature that discusses the guys and girl- and male role. It's something that really needed to create a greater understanding of the guys – and girls – how they are formed into the traditional standard. If not, guys will change it all just walk around without being particularly constructive. When I was invited to the eights, nines, ones to speak about thousand times stronger, I usually begin by talking about that I am aware that the guys are one-dimensionally depicted, and I apologize for it, but that it is sometimes necessary to do just that to run a query, while I say that girls are mostly one-dimensional shape without reacts over it. This usually arouse many thoughts. Basically it's all about how we handle our humanhood. It is a long existential discussion and always amazing to see how both girls and boys drop their defenses and cheeks begin to flare. It's not about getting the right or wrong, it is about reflecting on how we want and can and must be the healer of people of our time on earth.
    However, I am surprised that no male writer tackles teenage boy's inner world. I attended a training to talk to guys online ”Kill questions” and learned a lot of amazing things about how many guys are drilled into the Kill the role of the other guys in school years, a completely foreign world to me.
    If I get time, I would write a book about a guy, I think that would really be interesting and might do some good, in schools.

  3. Nick skriver:

    Väl formulerat, Christina Herr Ström.

    I notice that you can largely seems to assume that male and female are merely social constructs (myself, I read often like to research that suggests that many gender differences have an innate component). I doubted that you would dare to argue that women ”the little girls at heart” because it goes against what I have learned about how a Swedish woman should behave: she shall be autonomous, never let themselves be trampled on by a man and never tolerate being called ”lilla gumman” (d.v.s. She must be a little like your figure Saga…).

    Concerning ”dimensional depictions” I do not think there is anything wrong with gender stereotypes (because they often have a certain truth value…), as long as you are aware that there are nuances (it's well those that constitute the nuances that become ”drillade”…).

    For me, ”male role” to take responsibility for their innate nature so that it does not affect women (”you should never hit a girl”, usually the hot e.g.). The Swedish gender climate leads me however to feel self-loathing, because I am very manly when I ”is myself”. I have sometimes wanted to commit suicide, because I'd rather die than trying to convince me that I only have ”drillats” who I am (for comparison, no one tried to convince me that I was brought up to be autistic…).

    It is something that I myself as time would like to write a story about: guys who take their own lives because they feel that they can not be themselves for the standard critical society.

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