Livet är rättvist

En afton för ungefär tio år sedan satt jag i en magnifik villa på Djurgården bredvid en stor man i sextioårsåldern som åt ostron.

Han tryckte in ostronen i munnen så att det skvätte och slafsade och hade just berättat för mig om alla sina ägodelar och sin förmögenhet och hur mycket han tjänade på ett styrelseuppdrag i förbifarten. Jag hade försökt ge honom ett litet perspektiv på min verklighet som ensamstående tonårsmamma och han lyssnade men hade ingen kommentar mer än den följande, som han smackade fram, medan ostronsaften rann på hans feta haka och en blålila tunga girigt stack ut för att slicka i sig de sista dropparna:

”Life is fair.”

I thought it was such a fantastic line that every now and then I decided to bring the whole scene that took place before my eyes into one of my stories.. It is now included in the novel ” Denzel ”. Another scene I also took straight from the absurd reality.

That was when I decided to celebrate an independent New Year's Eve. Some days are, as we know, extra dramatic and sensitive when you are single, and New Year's Eve is definitely one such. I had decided to go to the jazz club Fasching in Stockholm where one was arranged ”Brazilian New Year's Eve”. In my mind I saw in front of me a warm and happy evening with dance and food and the fun and openness of celebrating New Year's Eve with a lot of strangers who I thought would have the same curious playful dance-loving happy attitude as me.

When I have decided on something, especially if it's something I prefer to escape from, I unfortunately never do. Tvärtom. I think I should challenge it and not disappear with the tail between my legs. It is usually better to implement things, making and educating, prejudiced, it is hoped. Nå, despite a number of embarrassing and painful hours, became the Brazilian New Year's Eve after all to some joy with the perspective of the time. Just when I was there, this disgusting pathetic simple New Year's Eve was anything but fun. But then I thought ” This is so absurd and embarrassing that I simply have to use it at some point in one of my stories!”

And I did. It is also included in DENZEL. The main character Alvilde does not back down either, that poor thing.

People who read DENZEL says that just those scenes were a little too exaggerated, the Brazilian New Year's Eve and the visit to Djurgården! Reality always surpasses poetry. Personally, I think there are other scenes that are a bit well exaggerated, for example, when Alvilde disappears on live TV. I Ebba & Didrik there is also a little information that many have pointed out is completely unreasonable and it was that Didrik's grandmother as a little girl was taken by a sea eagle out on the big sea. If a crew member had not had time to throw a cloth over the sea eagle where it was struggling to get the child with him, Didrik would not have existed. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl! Ja, we all know that, what strange paths have led to our very existence, but this with the sea eagle… njäää… they said.

But when my little grandmother was playing on the deck of the ship, her father was the captain, Atlantica, a sea eagle struck her and tried to lift her. A crew member was quick and threw a canvas over it and it was then stopped and found at Bergen Natural History Museum. Maybe it still exists today, it would be fun to see it.

Ja, verkligheten överträffar alltid dikten. We became painfully aware of that yesterday. How could a man who speaks at such a low level know most things, not least women, such an awful disgusting clown, plow through the minds of millions of Americans and become President of the United States?

Postage, who pressed in the oysters, while I sat thin and hungry next to worried about whether I could buy winter boots for my son, what can he think of the outcome of the US election? The new president and he have, if nothing else, at least their view of women in common. When we sat there that winter evening, the successful man squinted contentedly at the oyster in his sticky fist and cast a crooked look from his bloodshot face at me , modern, the woman and said; ”Everything is always in balance. Believe me. If people only understood it, it would save them a lot of whining. Everything is just as it should be.”


Om Christina Herrström

Författare, dramatiker och Officiant Ebba & Didrik Glappet Tusen gånger starkare Tionde våningen Leontines längtan Den hungriga prinsessan Denzel Öderläggaren Mirrimo Sirrimo En underbar utsikt Mitt namn är Erling Midsommarkvartetten Marsvinsnätter Gäst i Djupa Salar Suxxess Skimrande vingar
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