Advice for the vulnerable

After the articles about the destroyer and the book came out, I have received emails every day from people I do not know. Mostly men, but also women, who have been or are currently exposed to a person with psychopathic traits.

I also receive emails from brothers, systrar, barn, parents and friends of someone who seems to be vulnerable. Many ask for advice.

Before I forget, I want to imply that I also receive emails from people who are not at all vulnerable and have not been near it, but who still thank me for thinking they understand more of this phenomenon after reading the book- and that's very good.

But when it comes to advice… many say that it has now gained energy to report, but how great is the chance that prosecution can be brought? I do not know because I am not a lawyer, but when I reported 2014 in any case, the police were not at all interested in the sections from my diary that dealt with his mental degradation of me, even though that was the precondition for him to be able to take any power over my decisions at all. Under normal circumstances, I had never in my life lent any money, it was all a result of me being in shock after my dad's death, and that the destroyer made sure that I did not have peace to ever recover, inte en enda stund. He lived with me, because he was homeless with his child ( though it then turned out that he rented an apartment for the entire time he was ” homeless ” and could not leave )- and I work at home so he was in the middle of my workplace too and had every chance to process me and wear me down. Nå, this was not the police's interest in, nor that he resorted to milder physical violence from time to time- even though it was the method of seizing power.

So what was prosecuted? Only the transfer of money was prosecuted. And because I could prove he had misled me – thanks to my diary entries where I wrote what I thought it was all about. And because the financial police's analyzes clearly showed that he had not done a single bit of what he made me believe, with the money.

But if I had not had my notes, I would not remember what he had said, because he said so much and because he ruined my thinking ability and was about to obliterate me.

So my not particularly thrilling advice is that the person who is exposed should write a diary , or write down simple memoirs. And keep these in a safe place. And that if money is transferred always write what you think it is about, what the circumstances are around why one makes these transfers. Otherwise, you can record things if you dare and record conversations in secret if you dare. All this is dangerous because it indicates that you distrust the person in question, but if you can do it, of course it is very good.

When you have to report, you have to get help from someone else, tror jag. Someone who is not completely exhausted and confused and has almost lost his brain, someone who can help one to bone out and be objective. The notification must contain as many facts as possible. If you have mail, sms, receipts for transfers and the like. Everything ” fact ” as one has come to life are surely lies that suddenly seem completely improbable, but what you have been preoccupied with and believed you should write down. You do not need a lawyer to write a report, you can do it yourself and then you simply go to the police with it and hope to be questioned. If the police decide that there is sufficient evidence for the person to be convicted, a prosecutor is involved. Then maybe it will be prosecuted.

When you are in court, you do not need to see the person in question, but you can be in separate rooms. And you have to prepare properly for this occasion, for the only thing the court judges by is what is said there and then. It does not judge on the basis of interrogations or preliminary investigations, nothing is implied. You have to make clear what is important to get across and then make sure to get it said, there and then – it's the chance you have. It is unfair, because the situation can be scary, but one can be sure that the accused is articulate and has explanations for just about everything. Therefore, you must be prepared and preferably have practiced if you are not used to speaking in front of people who listen without touching a mine.

If damages are awarded, you will never get it. The destroyer was sentenced to pay back everything with interest, but I will never see the smoke of it, because he has no assets, which is probably the most common when it comes to criminals. Then you simply have to try to cope, it's up to everyone, society abandons victims of this type of crime and one is thrown out on the other side. You can contact the bailiff yourself who will make foreclosures on the accused, but for the most part there is nothing to pick up.

When you are in court, you should bring as large a support team as you can. You should not be there alone. You simply should not keep quiet. You should tell all your friends what you have been through and they should accompany you to court and show ; ” we know! ” You should NOT keep quiet and now that the book The Destroyer exists and there has been a lot of attention around it, it is certainly easier to TALK ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED and NOT BE SILENT.

You need help in the form of therapy calls, you have to reckon with that. But as I said, you should not keep quiet in front of your friends and family. You have no reason to be ashamed, tvärtom, alone, one has been struck by something that is not recognizable or predictable or manageable. You have to talk about it, everyone is probably wondering! You get the best healing from knowing others and you can talk about it, twist and turn it and marvel at how this kind of thing happens and how creepy it is. The only thing that people of this kind can not handle are true deep relationships. Real relationships. There is power to be gained. if you have lost your relationships while you were exposed, you must try to reach out to them again, you probably get them back when they start to guess what you have been exposed to. If they do not understand, they get to read The Destroyer so maybe they have a little better idea what systematic abrasion of the psyche means, and how lonely the prey is in that battle.

One thing that is decisive for the victim is that the environment DOES NOT JUDGE. You must NOT say ” What did I say? ” or unnecessary things like ”I felt that he / she was weird from the beginning!” for WHAT does it matter when everything is late? And probably the victim felt it too, but these people are extremely skilled at manipulation.

You must ABSOLUTELY NOT say ” But how fucking stupid are you?”… or yes, you may be able to say that, but you must immediately take it back or at the same time say it with emphasis” I want to do everything to help you!”. One must NOT judge the one who begins to turn to one, for it may be sending the straight path to suicide. You who have not been through something like this have no idea how fragile it is and how incredibly hard you have had to fight to even dare to think the thought of asking for help. You just have to say ” I WANT TO HELP YOU!” Everything looks strange and incomprehensible on the surface, first of all, so one understands that such a reaction ” but what the hell, how stupid are you?” is the first in the environment, but it is dangerous. The effect of several months of wear and tear, latent or open threats, Confusion is a concrete situation that seems completely crazy, but the way there… the way there…. it takes time to unravel and you have to have respect for it. The victim has been through hell – a hell – and when it is discovered, that person is probably in a panic and still completely indoctrinated by what he was fed with intensely by his destroyer – and may be willing to run back – or out to die. The best is if you can move the vulnerable / exposed far away from the perpetrator as soon as possible. You can not write a report or start telling if you are afraid that the person will show up at any time.

One may wonder whether it is worthwhile to report if the chances of prosecution are small, but you must always report. Puzzle pieces can fall into place by many registering.

Then the long road back begins.

Everyone wants it to go fast. But it does not go fast. You have to take small small steps and you have to do most things yourself, but then it is important to have told EVERYONE so that EVERYONE knows. Then you can do it! And one day that time will be a thing of the past.

Om Christina Herrström

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7 answers to Advice for the vulnerable

  1. Gun Leander skriver:

    Wise advice! Expensive knowledge that I wish you had avoided chewing on. You are worth all the good in life, you unknown fellow sister. Feeling related to you, your awakening and your truth suffering. Let it swing!!!

  2. Johan skriver:

    I was so moved by you. Thank you for being on tv4. Through reading it here and realizing that I have been through something similar, however, without financial consequences.
    You are so beautiful and nice, would like to meet you. Understand that you are suspicious but I have no evil intentions.
    Best regards

  3. Eva Johansen skriver:

    Hi. Apparently has your sob story ”went home” with the people. Not with me. You absolutely did not have to donate large sums of money to the man who brainwashed you. You could be content with him being a rotten egg and not continue to do as he ordered you to do.

    You have yourself to blame for why you donated millions of money to him. Where did you get the big money from? Had you previously had Dirty Business for you? The thoughts are many when you hear how much you have given him all the time. It's with disgust I read that you just continued, continued to obey him. You should not blame anyone for being dragged into giving money and everything else you did for him. Shame that did not stop yourself when you could. Only you are the reason he drove with you.
    Your sob stories should not fall for ordinary people, you had many opportunities to stop them, or what if you think about it!!

  4. Åke Banksell skriver:

    You get completely flabbergasted when you read about this dizzying experience Christina has been through. A pigsty at the absolute highest level. Telling and making it known to the public is extremely important. As soon as I read the book I guess is well done, so I will spread it through my channels and socializing. I ordered it together with some other books online but did not see that Captain H's expression has 35 days delivery time. I brood on my own culture while waiting.

  5. Kerstin skriver:

    I'm sorry about what happened to you. I hope it works out.
    When I was in my twenties, I corresponded with a man from the United States. After a few years he came to Sweden and we met. The second time we met, he pressured me to have sex.
    It's not the same as cheating on money, but to be pressured is to be mentally raped.
    Now I would let him leave my home but I was weaker then.
    M V H

  6. Gunilla Tyrland skriver:

    Ja så sant denna läsning av boken gjorde att jag omvärderade mitt sambo förhållande med en man som lade snillrikt upp en firma åt mig som gav mycket pengar som delades 50-50 mellan honom och mig men jag betalade alla räkningar-resor-bilar etc!
    Han lyckades också få en lägenhet åt sig själv och jag fick då förstås mindre när huset jag ägde fick säljas på hans initiativ Han skrev aldrig under något som en strategi.Han visade absolut kyla i detta avbrytning med mig vilket jag inte förstod alls.Han t o m satte eld på kontoret (till polisen sa han att vi hade fiender och de var mina döttrar som hade fått tag i nyckeln till kontoret) för att få försäkringspengar och allt delades 50-50 och drev på att rättegång skulle genomföras förstås också med delad utdelning! Rättegång va då! Det blev aldrig någon rättegång för jag beslutade att lägga firman i konkurs. Mina två döttrar som jag redan dess inte har kontakt men!!!De tog över personal och koncept från firman och startade egen vilket kunder trodde var samma firma! Jag har aldrig berättat
    för vänner och släktingar om detta bara antytt att mina barn tog firman ifrån mig MEN som sagt ser jag annorlunda på detta nu! Det är läskigt! för vad boken berättar är hur det känns hur man blir i huvudet hur man håller allt inombords man kan inte berätta för någon det är det stora värdet av boken jag hade 10 privata skulder att betala vilket tog flera år, sjukskriven (vilket jag inte förstod) och efter att ha flyttat till allt mindre lägenheter och med billig gammal bil, tvungen att stänga av telefonen kom en vän från långt tillbaka i mitt liv till min räddning vi har nu varit gifta i många år och pratat mycket om och om igen MEN inte förrän efter bokläsningen har mina tankar nu benat upp samboförhållandet som jag nu anser bara var att få pengar för egen del! Hur detta nu hänger ihop med mina döttrar vet jag inte men de vet absolut inget om vad som hände mig!! Såg eller märkte de något om mitt förhållande med mannen och som boken poängterar man kan inte få något svar och ens våga fråga om allt står rätt till… Min förhoppning är att det möjligen kan komma att i någon mån repareras men jag är otroligt rädd men eftersom så många år har gått har det läskiga stadierna som man blir lämnad i avslipats och att det är lättare att se klarare med tiden men nu ska jag börja terapi angående detta hela….Önska mig lycka till

  7. It is good that you are starting therapy. Hope the therapist understands that you have been tamped with a monster, a person without a sense of responsibility, honor and empathy and do not focus on you and who you are and your background etcetera, for that is not where the explanation lies. The explanation lies in the fact that you have had to deal with an extremely manipulative person and in that you have tried to orientate yourself with the tools we have learned throughout our lives., and tried to find logic and believed that there was an obvious agreement, like that when standing at a pedestrian crossing and a car stops – an agreement you never even reflect on. THAT's what you think and THEN these people do not work – they run over one when standing in the middle, as most vulnerable. So I really hope your therapist has knowledge about these people, about what it means to be dealing with a person with psychopathic traits. It's not about you. It's about them. They can read you, adapt to you in seconds, lull yourself into safety and always have your own hidden insidious plan. I wish you luck but I also wish you can see for yourself if your therapist is enough or not and otherwise change therapist. Warmest regards / Christina

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