”The greedy victims”

As I wrote yesterday, it is for certain crimes , or human phenomena so that victims must bear the shame. It may not lift the shame of the perpetrator – but the victims are considered as accomplices. This applies to sex offenses and applies to crimes such as fraud. In both crimes there is a distrust of the victim and how the victim has acted.

It makes me flee cursed.

It is very good to highlight this type of human transgression in a different way now. Not until it is done, as in paying attention to bitcoin fraud, one can get a more nuanced picture of the victims and thus of the crimes. Then courage is also needed from those who have been exposed to openly tell what has happened. A lot of ordinary Swedes have done that, pensioners who have been cruelly and cruelly deceived by their savings – and unassuming dreams. They are very brave of them. These are things that need to be described and justified, if nothing else for preventive purposes.

Something that sits extremely deep in each of us, something that really hurts us, is to lose dignity. This is already seen in very young children. And defending their dignity often feels vital. The necessity of defending one's dignity can drive victims very far, too far – beyond rescue. It has something to do with one's worth – if you lose your value, nothing is counted by what you say and are, as important. Then you are lost. Alone you are nobody. It's not a trifle, dignity. And you lose it when you have been tricked and exploited, such as happens in sex crimes and scams- but you don't do it just once, without two; since the surroundings often take the last from one, by putting a part of the blame on the vulnerable lightly and unreflected. It's easy to mock anyone who's been cheated.

These retirees who have now told us what happened to them, are thus very brave and their courage can give courage to others. And the many who despise them for having ”been so stupid that they have been fooled” maybe enriched with humility.

I heard a radio show a few years ago about people who have been tricked into the millions of fraudsters who manipulated them in different ways, very private. A policeman investigating fraud got the last word. Han sa ”but it is always greed that drives the victims”.

The program was interesting to that point, when everything was explained too easily, according to the old moralizing story, of the same kind as the one who moralizes over the raped. It was thus partly the victim's own fault. Whoever gives in the game is allowed to endure the game. If you walk around and parade in your female body you have entered the game and basically you know the rules of the game, then rinse – at least slightly! – self. A simple explanation that leaves the damnation calm.

Our society has started to become more conscious about victims of sex abuse that is – because it is no longer muted.

”The dream of becoming rich without working!” is a motto with which you can donate to the victims of bitcoin fraud. So the thing is clear. They have to blame themselves – they are lazy and vain! But besides that these victims often have it rather nicely posed and just dream of making their life a little easier and more fun and maybe more content rich, then it is not very strange if people in our socially specialized society dream of getting more money – maybe even about being pig-rich? Most of what is presented as HAPPINESS in our culture requires money. Experiences such as restaurant visits, trips, underhållning, culture and even self-care require money. Money permeates everything. Everyone is affected by this, but those who have the opportunity to put a golden edge on existence feel free to despise those who dream of being able to do so, those who have made the big mistake of being tricked into betting their seconds to get some more. How to condemn it? These people do not hurt themselves on anyone else. They only have dreams in a society where everything is about money. Their ”greed” does not have the insidious root of that greed, that fools them. Still, they should be ashamed.

And those who live well on money without working, bears no shame, on the contrary, they are admired and envied and treated with respect.

I have reason to think part of this with the shame and attitude, the sloppy condemnation, because I myself am deceived and ruined. The circumstances were completely different from the current Bitcoin victims. But the result is the same.

But I, as a victim, know that very many people who are deceived are not driven by greed. I know because I myself was not driven by greed. But it is, in the cemented story and the general consciousness, not the victims who formulate the performance.

Bitcoin fraud has thousands of victims in fifty countries. The majority of these have dreamed of making life a little nicer, by themselves, their children, their old parents, a sick friend and the like, but even if they dreamed of the luxury that the brains behind the scams woo themselves with their victims' money, surely it would not be so strange in a society where happiness is symbolized by luxury attributes? Why is it shameful for those who do not dream of what others have?

(Half of this text just disappeared, and I can't recreate it and my own thinking that was just inspired, but should try to get some things down before they completely fly out of their heads.)

What I partly tried to formulate in my lost text is that I, who are themselves victims, In fact, it is easy to condemn victims like Bitcoin victims themselves, and explain it easily with the lousy ”greed”. It lies, automatically and unreflected, close to gnawing away at these people's tragedy as a result of their own greed. Nej, now I exaggerated. It's really not close to me, but I understand that it may be close because I myself are characterized by the same simplifications. And I understand that because I do ” have the courage” to write my book on how I was tricked and ruined myself. I realize how loaded this is with ” greed ” and shame on the victims is, because I know I hadn't ”courage” to write my book if I had been driven by just that : greed. Or if it had looked like real shameful greed. Not even lustfulness drove me into the trap. And not blind love, something that had also felt awkward, because it would have revealed some kind of sad and naive lack in my female soul. And that these things would have stopped me as an author writing my book, I think I'm sick. But I respond according to the norm. If greed or thirst for love had driven me, it would have hurt me too much – in my dignity. Others had been easier to look down on me for what had happened to me. I must have looked down on myself. To be cheated on all their money for being something as unworthy as greedy or something as unworthy as naïve love dreaming is shameful and free to mock – despite that too ”kärleken” is like money; synonymous with ” happiness”. If so, I would have lost all my dignity. And if I had lost all my dignity, I or a large part of me would have thought that it would probably be completely expected and right that I would be hacked into my already bloody wounds, to simply get hacked out of the group and go under. ”dignity” is defined by the surrounding culture. The awful thing is, tycker jag, that I feel free to write the book about how I was tricked and ruined for being me inte was driven into it by these two shameful motives. I can do it because I do not feel that I have lost my dignity. Which shows how incredibly difficult it is to be a victim of something insidious, cynical and brutal AND have lost their dignity. And how cruel the surroundings are, who regard the victims of a certain kind of human evil and heartlessness as accomplices to their own tragedy.

What this view, these interpretations, are remnants of inhuman damning unwritten laws I do not know, surely something religious patriarchal ! – but you can in any case find that they are not on the victim's side – but entirely on the perpetrator.

Knowledge of the shame and disdain that victims will feel when everyone looks down on one for being cheated gives evil a lot of leeway. Shame – and the guilt is one of the best tools for this kind of evil. Shame – and the covering of guilt gives protection to evil, margin and endless time to continue wasting.

Om Christina Herrström

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1 answers to ”The greedy victims”

  1. Tia Itkonen skriver:

    Hej Christina,

    Jag har nu kommit halvvägs i din bok Ödeläggaren. Jag vill inte läsa det jag läser, ibland skummar jag för att få lite andrum. Men så är jag där igen, läser ord för ord. Spänner kroppen så att jag blir svettig, duschar och fortsätter. Timme efter timme gör jag det. Förskräckt över det jag ser veckla ut sig på sidorna. Som en magnet håller texten mig fast även om jag skulle behöva pauser. Vilket storverk. Att du orkat genomföra detta Sisyfosarbete. Nu ska jag strax dra in andan och fortsätta.

    Det svåraste är att jag känner igen mig. Skillnaden till dig är att för mig handlade det om kärlek. Svårigheten den att exmaken var en känd svensk. Tillhör den Humanitära Stormakten. De per definition så Goda då han var chef för så många ”fine” organisationer. Till sist, efter 30 år, kom jag inte längre förbi mina erfarenheter som jag så effektivt förträngt. De bara trängde sig fram och tvingade mig att skriva ner dem. Nu har det jag skrivit legat där ett antal månader; har inte varit nöjd med formatet. Medan jag läser din berättelse, vet jag att jag kommer att gå tillbaka till min text. Jag måste lösa frågan om formen.

    Stort TACK för att du orkat dela med dig!

    Tia Itkonen

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